Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do you hate snow? SELL IT!

I just found a web page while I was logged onto my Twitter account.

You're not going to believe this.

Are you tired of seeing snow?  Are you having trouble getting rid of it?

Try selling it to people who rarely see any snow.

A 27-year-old man named Kyle Waring put some Massachusetts snow into plastic bottles.  He put the bottles into styrofoam containers, and is selling them, through his company and his website, to other people in other parts of the country.

His prices

$19.99 for a 16.9 oz bottle and $89 for six pounds of Massachusetts snow.

You should buy some right now, for two reasons.
  1. He discounted his price for the 6-lb. package from $99 and
  2. You never know when he might run low on supplies of this valuable commodity.

The website where I first saw this story

Buzz Feed News dated February 25, 2015

This web page also includes a copy of a tweet dated February 23 from a user named @Broderick.  He included in his tweet this photo of a man riding a bicycle through a 40-foot-long tunnel that was built into some local snow.

For you, and possibly for me as well, the winter of 2014-15 is a glass that is half-full.  We're disappointed that so much of what we want to do can't be done.

For this man, his glass is half-full.  He has found something that he can do when there is this much snow on the ground.